The Chords + Pads Dream Rack Is a drag & drop instrument rack + Effects Rack containing dozens of rack inside racks, controlled entirely by 16 macro knobs. It has been intelligently mapped to have full control of this racks outstanding capabilities using only 16 knobs. The Effects chains have been designed be optimized in any combination. Every parameter has been precisely fine tuned by ATYYA for 1.5 years, and is now ready for producers like you to drag & drop, and instantly let your creativity flow, sculpting the sound to your liking in seconds with just a few knobs. The Chords + Pads Dream Rack can also be used by itself on any other Audio or Midi channel. Prepare to make your dreams become reality.
• More Time. By having access to all the sounds your looking for at your fingertips you can spend less time tinkering and more time moving forward with the music you DREAM to create.
• More Creativity. Easily Make your own sound design with a plethora of intruments that seamlessly gradient into the next, allowing you to play multiple instruments at once. Design your own sounds easily, using just 16 knobs. Simplicity on the front end allows creativity to flow, instead of getting stuck on the details and having your creativity stifled by trial and error knob turning. Seamlessly switch out drum sounds in real time without stopping your loop to keep the creativity flowing.
• Higher Quality Music. Lossless Audio samples, with professionally set parameters to ensure the highest quality final results.
• Greater understanding of Ableton's functionalities. By studying the mapping of this Rack you can reverse engineer it to gain knowledge of the possibilities with Ableton Live.
• 11 hand designed Instruments with gradient instrument blending. This crossfades each instrument into the next all controlled by 1 macro knob.
• Custom mapped aftertouch on each instrument for added modulation & live expression.
• 14 Seamlessly mixed effects:
Reverb • Unify Hats • Ping Pong Delay • Tape Delay • White Noise • Chorus • Autowah • Resonator Note • Resonator Amount • Trippy [Grain delay on +1 oct arp] • Hi Cut [LPF] • Low Frequency Volume Amount • Saturation
• Clearly Marked Mapping for ease of use as study tool - reverse engineer your own racks.
• Use "Chords + Pads Effect Rack" separately on any midi / Audio Channels.
Q: What Versions of Ableton is this rack compatible with?
A: Live Suite 10 and up. Standard or Lite will not work.
Q: Do the racks or templates use any 3rd party VST's?
A: No, they are built fully with stock ableton plugins.
Q: Are these products Royalty Free?
A: Yes, you can make and sell music or sounds from this rack, however you cannot legally resell, or distribute the racks, templates, or samples themselves, or any modified version of them in any way.
Q: Where do I go for tech support or any other questions?
A: Email and I'll be happy to assist you.
Q: Is there a community of people using Production Labs Ccourses/Tools that I can connect with?
A: Yes! Join the Discord here:
Q: Are there more Production Labs racks like this one?
A: Yes! This is one of 5 rack in the Dream Rack Series by Production Labs.
808 Bass Rack
Ultra Drums
Ultra Bass Rack
Stabs + Growls Rack
Chords + Pads Rack
You can Get Them all Exclusively on the following page after your purchase.
$39 Original Price
On Sale for $23
(40% off)
"I wanted to make a set of DREAM instrument racks that would allow anyone to achieve the sound they want in minutes WITHOUT buying pricey VSTS or getting stuck in sound design land while their creativity dwindles. After 1.5 yrs in the making, I proudly present the Dream Rack Series!
Founder of Production Labs
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